Lunchables-style Pho

July 23rd, 2009

Pho in a Box
A deli in Washington D.C. is serving “Pho in a Box”:

The broth is made with beef bones, oxtail and brisket; the pho noodles are parboiled; and each order comes with raw slices of eye of round, the requisite herbs and dipping sauces. All the ingredients are packed separately for reassembly at home.

Tim Carman reports that the broth ends up being on the sweet side and that the noodle portion is lacking. Still, it’s an interesting attempt at pho to-go and a novel way to get one’s pho fix.

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One Response to “Lunchables-style Pho”

  1. Jimmy Hoffa says:

    I got Pho to go when I was trying to hurry home with it or the restaurant was closing many times back home in Denver, they would just give you the meats raw, all the noodles, and the veggies in one of those three way seperated to-go boxes, and the broth in a normal big soup to-go thing.

    Reconstituted at home it was just as good as in the restaurant… Delicious.