Pho Restaurants » Virginia » Springfield

Saigon City

6333 Brandon Ave
Springfield, VA 22150
(703) 569.0303


Overall (based on 7 ratings)
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)

User Reviews

The newest and best Pho in Springfield and maybe even beyond. Check it if you haven't already.

Whoever put that first comment lol That pho soup has no flavor whatsoever =( i give this pho place a 3. Their rice dishes are good.

One of the best.

I ordered a to go spicy beef pho. I got a combination and was even charged for the container. It wouldn't have bothered me except I was very specific.

Very good Pho. Very friendly staff.

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(1 = bad, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = excellent)
Overall Satisfaction
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)
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