Pho Restaurants » Washington » Shoreline

Pho Hoa Restaurant

15215 Aurora Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133
(206) 368-3887


Overall (based on 1 ratings)
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)

User Reviews

Pho sure
I did purposely did not rate this restaurant because it is so famously inconsistent. The only rating I gave is for the broth, which is usually better than the average pho place around Seattle. Portions, service, cleanliness, all are subject to the whims of the staff that day. Also, this place is no longer a Pho Hoa, the name and ownership have changed 3 or 4 times since then. I forget the current name, but it doesn't matter, because next week it will be different again. The only constants are the broth and the numbering system on the menu. Order number 45, it has the most meat, if they happen to be putting meat in the pho that day.

Rate this Restaurant

(1 = bad, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = excellent)
Overall Satisfaction
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)
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