Pho Restaurants » California » Orange

Tan Hoang Huong Pho

3132 E Chapman Ave
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-2916


Overall (based on 2 ratings)
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)

User Reviews

I ordered a large Pho with all beef and got it to go. When I got home to eat it, it was so much food. Enough for 3 people. It tasted very good too. I would recommend eating there.
They are now closed but they wee the very best. Does anyone know where they could be now? Their rent was too high...ha ha the suite has been empty for over a year.

Rate this Restaurant

(1 = bad, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = excellent)
Overall Satisfaction
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)
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