Pho Restaurants » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia

Nam Phuong

1100 Washington Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19147
(215) 468-0410


Overall (based on 2 ratings)
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)

User Reviews

Let me say this...if's it's tradition you're after, then this place has it all! Their food is excellent all around and very tasty and plentiful. The staff is attentative to the customers and always very polite. English is not a problem and the orders are complete and exact. All in all a great place to eat!! You won't be disappointed.

C. C.
This place is tasty and inexpensive. There are lots of options in the area. To be honest, I've only come here twice, when Viet Huong next door was closed. Service is quite friendly.

Rate this Restaurant

(1 = bad, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = excellent)
Overall Satisfaction
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)
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