Pho Restaurants » Virginia » Centreville

Pho Hot

14215 W Centreville Square
Centreville, VA 20121
(703) 266-3303


Overall (based on 4 ratings)
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)

User Reviews

I ate here for the first time back in January with a couple friends. One of my friends, like me, had eaten plenty of Phở before, the other was a first-timer. We all really enjoyed it, Phở Lulu had some of the better Phở I'd had. I'm from California where there are Phở restaurants all over the place and this really held it's own.

Pho lover
I ordered take-out last week, it was a total disapointment. The broth tasted like beef broth that comes from a can with no flavor. The meat was skimpy, the best part about their pho is vegetables. According to the menu that was posted at their front door, each bowl cost $6.45. I ordered two of them and the bill came at $15.08 ?? There are much better pho establishments in Fairfax area.

This resturant is fronted by Vietnamese but is run by Koreans. The Pho just does't make it.

place is called Pho Hot nowadays but the noodles are still superb.

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(1 = bad, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = excellent)
Overall Satisfaction
Broth (flavor, fragrance, clarity)
Noodles (texture, clumpiness)
Meat (tenderness, quality)
Vegetables (variety, freshness)
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